Sunday 16 September 2012

My first day!

Hey guys! I thought I would start this blog to try and help anyone who is worried about starting university (be that this year or at sometime in the not-so-near future!) a bit of an insight into my experience (it might help, right?) So without further or do lets get started!

Now I would like to point out that I did intend to do my first post last night, but I got a bit distracted partying ;) So that's a positive start to my 'adventure' I guess! 

I'm going to skip over all of the boring bits such as signing up for doctors blah blah blah and just jump in to moving into halls as that is by far the most nervous but at the same time exciting part! Here's my first bit of advice: look on facebook (if the uni hasn't already sent you an email about this!) for a university page group or even a halls (of residence) page as they can be really helpful in enabling you to meet other students! That's how I found two of my flat mates and it would have been great if they had all joined the group as then it would have taken the awkwardness out of them first arriving!

The thing that I think is most important on move in day is to say hello to anyone as they move in (try to make conversation but this may be difficult if your room mates were like mine and kept disappearing or shutting themselves in their room!) and secondly, KEEP YOUR DOOR OPEN! On that note, remember a door stop! I didn't get one as I thought a shoe would suffice but they're fire doors guys!:L Luckily I was able to bond with a flat mate over the fact that she had a spare one (you can get bonus points easily when you move in! I brought an old kettle and toaster with me and they went down a treat)

Another thing that I think is key to survival? Hang around in communal areas when people are moving in (for me it was the kitchen) because eventually they're going to have to put stuff in there and say hello!

Currently I live with one other girl and three guys (another mysterious person is due to arrive today...) which I know may freak some people out but I thought was quite beneficial: short shower queues, increased safety when walking back drunk! etc. etc. If you really don't want that thought you can always go for single sex (I put no preference)

Finally for today guys, just keep an open mind and don't worry if people aren't really chatty when you first meet them - they're probably just nervous! Make sure that you take up all of the opportunities that you are given during freshers (PARTY PARTY PARTY!!!) as they are a great way to bond with flat mates and meet new people! 

If you have any suggestions for posts that you would like me to do then please feel free to leave a comment below! 

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